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As New Worries Arise, So Do New Ways to Solve Them

Apr 27, 2020
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Workforce Management

Jim loves his job. He’s worked at the same transit agency for the past fifteen years, and he still wakes up every morning excited to start the day. However, lately, he’s been nervous about coming to work due to COVID-19. With two young kids at home and another on the way, Jim can’t help but think of all of the potentially contaminated surfaces he comes in contact with every day when he signs in for work. Jim’s proud to be an essential worker, but he also wants to protect his wife and kids. 

Louise loves her job. She’s a new college graduate that’s finally landed a role in her dream industry: HR. However, since her department was asked to work from home due to COVID-19, Louise is struggling to keep up with all the manual data re-entry she now has to do. With operators calling in sick or out on leave, it’s time-consuming for Louise to have to adjust all of their payroll information manually.  

Robin loves her job. After bouncing around through odd jobs, she’s finally found a calling as a transit dispatcher. However, due to COVID-19, Robin has been overwhelmed as she deals with reduced staffing levels in operations. This is leaving her with less time to help clients in need, including her paratransit customers struggling to get to appointments.  

The world as we know it is changing, and countless others like Louise, Robin, and Jim are struggling as new responsibilities, challenges, and worries arise during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

With all of these changes happening so rapidly, you need a transit solution that can keep up. Trapeze Workforce Management (formerly known as OPS) Sign-In Terminal allows you to simplify your operator sign-in to make the lives of people like Louise, Robin, and Jim just a little bit easier during this uncertain time. 

Here’s how TWM-SIT can help your organization navigate through COVID-19: 

Contactless Operator Sign-In 

TWM-SIT can utilize scans, proximity cards, or biometric technology to provide an effortless, no-contact sign-in process, alleviating some of the worries for people like Jim. Contactless sign-in also eliminates the need for manual driver check-ins, allowing for increased social distancing in the workplace.  

Managing Unexpected Shift Changes  

With TWM-SIT, you can automatically create absences based on late sign-ins. TWM-SIT will generate dispatch alerts for work at risk of a no-show, assisting people like Robin by automatically filling the shift and recovering service as soon as possible.  

Integrating Sign-In With Payroll Data 

TWM-SIT easily tracks sign-in activity at multiple garages and terminals and automatically generates Extra Pay for delays. With TWM-SIT, you can automatically integrate sign-in information with HR systems, eliminating the need for individuals like Louise to re-enter data. 

Improving Communication 

TWM-SIT allows for sign-in receipts to be printed with customized messages, allowing individuals like Robin to notify operators of changes such as increased sanitization procedures. Additionally, if someone calls out at the last minute, dispatchers like Robin can send messages through TWM-Web or Mobile to quickly find a replacement.  


COVID-19 has forced all of us to reevaluate what are truly the priorities in our lives. With TWM-SIT, you can free up valuable time so that people like Jim, Robin, and Louise can focus on their number one priority- providing their customers with the safest and easiest transit journey possible.  

Interested in learning more about how TWM-SIT can help your transit agency manage through COVID-19? Be sure to register for our Transit Workforce Management webinar on Thursday, May 7.  

Nicole Persaud is a Marketing Intern at Trapeze Group. She is currently pursing a Bachelors of Business Administration degree at Wilfrid Laurier University.
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